X-Men: Battle Of The Atom Mobile Game Wiki

1st APPEARANCE: X-Men #25

BIO: The first mutant to be born after M-Day, Hope was heralded as the savior of mutantkind by the time-traveler Cable -- and as the destroyer of humanity by the time traveling Sentinel, Nimrod. Her birth unleashed a power surge so strong it fried Cerebro, and an arms race between mutant and anti-mutant extremist fought for control of her fate.

STATUS: Cable escaped into the future with Hope as a baby, and managed to keep her alive long enough to return to her own time as an adolescent. It was none to soon, as Bastion managed to trap the world's remaining mutants on Utopia shortly after. Utopia was besieged by an endless stream of futuristic Nimrod Sentinels, about to break, when Hope's powers manifested for the first time, destroying Bastion and the energy dome surrounding the city.

Mutant Messiah Hope Summers ER
Mutant Messiah Hope Summers Stats

